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Gita Bhawan Rishikesh

gita bhawan rishikesh

Important Note: We don’t book Gita Bhawan Ashram so kindly do not call us for bookings in Gita Bhawan. Gita Bhawan‘s contact number is +91-135-2430122, +91-135-2432792. We don’t have any other numbers if above contact number doesn’t work.

Gita Bhawan Ashram is located in Swargashram area of Rishikesh. Gita Bhawan is one of the largest and popular ashrams in Rishikesh. Gita Bhawan Ashram is part of Gita Press. Gita Press is well known publication house for Hindu Religious Books. Books such as Gita, Ramayan, Srimad Bhagvat & All Upnishads are sold by Gita Press is more than any other press. They print books in many languages such as English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Gujarati, Bangla, Marathi, Oriya, Kannad, Telugu and many other regional languages in India. Gita Bhawan Ashram is located very close to the River Ganga (Just a small road between ashram and the River). Gita Bhawan Ashram has approximately 1000 rooms to stay for devotees. Rooms are available free of charge for devotees. Simple food is available at low cost. Discourses are organized regularly at Gita Bhawan Ashram. During the summer time (April-May-June) Satsang programs are regularly organized for large number of people. Gita Bhawan Ashram also consist Laxmi Narayan Temple, Book Shop (All books which are printed by Gita Press), Cloth Store, Ayurvedic Medicine Shop and large space for Satsang (discourses). Devotees mainly come here to visit the holy Ganges, for the Satsang (discourses) and meditation.

The Laxmi Narayan Temple is interesting temple to visit in Gita Bhawan Ashram Rishikesh. Laxmi Narayan Temple consist the story of Lord Krishna in pictures. There also teachings from Bhagvad Gita is written on the walls of Ashram. Bhagwad Gita is one of the most important holy books of Hindu Religion. Bhagvad Gita means song of God. According to the Mahabharat book the Bhagvad Gita was told by Lord Krishna to King Arjun in the battle of Kurukshetra. Lord Krishna was eighth incarnations of Lord Vishnu which incarnated to kill the devil Kans. Lord Vishnu is maintainer and preserver in Hindu mythology. Bhagvad Gita is respected by many Hindus as a most important holy book of Hinduism.

As rooms are available free you can directly contact Gita Bhawan for room booking. Rooms will be very basic with only bed inside it. Bathrooms will be common. Gita Bhawan‘s contact number is +91-135-2430122, +91-135-2432792. Gita Bhawan‘s address is “Gita Bhawan, Gangapar, P.O. – Swargashram, Rishikesh (249304), Uttarakhand, India.

Gita Bhawan Map :